Contextual Bet Tracking
Contextual Bet Tracking
Product Designer
Product Designer
9 weeks
9 weeks
1 UXR, 2 PMs, 2 DAs, 9 Developers
1 UXR, 2 PM, 1 DA, 8 Devs
Our cross-functional team bridged the gap between sports and bet tracking experiences which caused a cumbersome bet tracking experience.
Following the Double-Diamond approach, we pinpointed the problem, embraced creative solutions, and delivered a seamless experience with boosted user engagement.
Our cross-functional team bridged the gap between sports and bet tracking experiences which caused a cumbersome bet tracking experience.
Following the Double-Diamond approach, we pinpointed the problem, embraced creative solutions, and delivered a seamless experience with boosted user engagement.
User Retention Rate
User Retention Rate
DAY 14
DAY 14
DAY 30
DAY 30
Page Visit
Page Visit
Why is the current experience painful?
Why is the current experience painful?
Originally, the live sport and bet tracking experiences were offered separately on two apps: theScore and theScore BET.
Originally, the live sport and bet tracking experiences were offered separately on two apps: theScore and theScore BET.

theScore (TSM)
theScore (TSM)
Media app covering news updates and scores information on different sports and leagues.
Media app covering news updates and scores information on different sports and leagues.

theScore BET (TSB)
theScore BET (TSB)
Sportsbook offering betting market and bet tracking experience.
Sportsbook offering betting market and bet tracking experience.
Because of that, our betting users have to constantly navigate between two different apps to track their game and bet progress.
Because of that, our betting users have to constantly navigate between two different apps to track their game and bet progress.

check bets

Follow Sport

check bets

Follow Sport

Which is indeed painful! Let's help our users…
Which is indeed painful! Let's help our users…
"Let's introduce the Easiest and most Seamless bet tracking experience!"
"Let's introduce the Easiest and most Seamless bet tracking experience!"
By removing the friction, we should see an increase in users' engagement with their placed bets.
By removing the friction, we should see an increase in users' engagement with their placed bets.
Strategy Making
Strategy Making
A diverge — converge process
A diverge — converge process
I led a
Brainstorm workshop
Brainstorm workshop
with 20+People
What's the idea bet tracking experience?
What's the idea bet tracking experience?
Every idea is a good idea. Let's get wild with our imagination!
Every idea is a good idea. Let's get wild with our imagination!

I performed
I performed
Sorting and Grouping
Sorting and Grouping
and shared back with the group
and shared back with the group
Color-coded with game states;
Grouped my themes;
Evaluated with UX effort and impact.
Color-coded with game states;
Grouped my themes;
Evaluated with UX effort and impact.

Organized by:
Organized by effort, impact, confidence, dependencies and risks.

Creating Roadmap
Creating Roadmap
Through this process, we developed a three-stage product roadmap that balances user benefits, cost control and risk mitigation.
Through this process, we developed a three-stage product roadmap that balances user benefits, cost control and risk mitigation.

What does success look like?
What does success look like?
A successful experience should see a increase in over 25% of page visits by our betting users during live game and a 20% in increase in cash out activities started in TSM.
A successful experience should see a increase in over 25% of page visits by our betting users during live game and a 20% in increase in cash out activities started in TSM.
Socialization with fellow teams
Socialization with fellow teams
Now we want to touch the Event page, which our team doesn't own.
Now we want to touch the Event page, which our team doesn't own.
What are the risks?
What are the risks?
Displaying game information and stats, the event page is the most important area of our app with highest user engagement. Any change,, especially inserting betting content, could trigger negative user reaction.
Displaying game information and stats, the event page is the most important area of our app with highest user engagement. Any change,, especially inserting betting content, could trigger negative user reaction.
How do we justify it and get a thumbs-up?
How do we justify it and get a thumbs-up?
I hosted a meeting with fellow feature teams and stakeholders to communicate our plan and dependencies, and reassured that:
I hosted a meeting with fellow feature teams and stakeholders to communicate our plan and dependencies, and reassured that:
Non-betting users (their main user cohorts) will not be impacted
We can minimize the influence with controlled and phased release
We will loop in their product team to make sure everything is transparent and collaborative
Non-betting users (their main user cohorts) will not be impacted
We can minimize the influence with controlled and phased release
We will loop them in along the process to maximize transparency and collaboration.
Product Design
Product Design
A collaborative and iterative process, pushing through various challenges.
A collaborative and iterative process, pushing through various challenges.
Kicking Off the Design
Kicking Off the Design
I started off by communicating the project overview, expectations and deliverables.
I started off by communicating the project overview, expectations and deliverables.

Addressing Misalignments
Addressing Misalignments
What information should be above the fold? That's where we diverged…
What information should be above the fold? That's where we diverged…
Product Manager
"Let's prioritize the money value and the cashout action"

Me (UX)
"Bet progress and status are more useful for users"

Product Manager
Product Manager
"Let's prioritize the money value and the cashout action"
"Let's prioritize the money value and the cashout action"

Me (UX)
"Bet progress and status are more useful for users"

To drive alignment, I called a meeting communicating WHY we should prioritize bet progress by demonstrating…
To drive alignment, I called a meeting communicating WHY we should prioritize bet progress by demonstrating…
What's the unique advantage of TSM app?
The technical and legal constraints limit the room for improvement for cashout actions.
Pulling stats: How often do users like to cash out?
What's the unique advantage of our TSM app?
The technical and legal constraints limit the room for improvement for cashout actions.
We will loop in their product team to make sure everything is transparent and collaborative
At different stages, I hosted presentations to diverse audience including stakeholders, PMs, UXR, and developers.
At different stages, I hosted presentations to diverse audience including stakeholders, PMs, UXR, and developers.

Design Iterations
Design Iterations
Leaning into UX experts and ensure design clarity and adherence to UX principles.
Leaning into UX experts and ensure design clarity and adherence to UX principles.

Simplify component structure
Redefine the main action
Introduce progress tracker

Optimize tracker UI

Simplify component structure
Redefine the main action
Introduce progress tracker

Optimize tracker UI
Final Design
Final Design
A contextual bet tracking experience that allows users to follow bets and sports simultaneously.
A contextual bet tracking experience that allows users to follow bets and sports simultaneously.

Event page with bet trackers on part of bets pertaining to the current game

Score page grouping games with placed bets

Full bet sheet viewing part of bets that don't pertain to this game and to complete cashout action

Introducing Live Progress Tracker
Leveraging the unique advantage of the TSM app to allow quickest understanding of bet progress.
Catered to different 5 game states and 10+ bet types.

See Full Bet
Full bet sheet viewing part of bets that don't pertain to this game and to complete cashout action
Reminders on the Pathway
Score page grouping games with placed bets

Handoff and Documentation
I hosted a handoff meeting demonstrating the functionality, interactions and use cases to the developers and QAs, also providing documentation on the use cases and resizing behaviors.

Handoff and Documentation
Handoff and Documentation
To ensure a clear understanding of visual and interaction details, I hosted a handoff meeting with a prototype demonstration. Additionally I provided documentation on the use cases and resizing behaviors.
To ensure a clear understanding of visual and interaction details, I hosted a handoff meeting with a prototype demonstration. Additionally I provided documentation on the use cases and resizing behaviors.

A validated Sucess
A validated Sucess
How was the MVP MLP received by our users?
How was the MVP MLP received by our users?
Our data dashboard suggested super strong user engagement with the feature. Our users described the feature was “exactly what they needed and easy to use”.
Our data dashboard suggested super strong user engagement with the feature. Our users described the feature was “exactly what they needed and easy to use”.
Balance feedback and decision-making
Balance feedback and decision-making
Every stakeholder has their own vision and perspective about the product. While it is important to hear their thoughts and reach alignment, a UX designer also must maintain professional judgement to make informed and balanced decisions. The key is to know when and how to adapt or push forward to ensure the best user experience.
Every stakeholder has their own vision and perspective about the product. While it is important to hear their thoughts and reach alignment, a UX designer also must maintain professional judgement to make informed and balanced decisions. The key is to know when and how to adapt or push forward to ensure the best user experience.
Website design owned by © Danshi Chen
Website design owned by © Danshi Chen
Website design owned by © Danshi Chen